Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC TV 1) is the most watched television and MBC Radio 1 is the most listened to radio station in Malawi, according to a survey by the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra).
The results were released on Wednesday.
According to the survey, 46.8 percent of Malawians watch MBC TV 1 while 36.3 percent of Malawians listen to MBC Radio 1.
The survey further shows that MBC Radio 2 is the third most listened to radio while MBC TV 2 is the fifth most watched television.
Mibawa Television is the second most-watched TV at 44.5 percent while Zodiak is on third with 34.6 percent.
Zodiak Radio is the second most listened-to radio at 30.5 percent while Times Radio has come fourth at 12.2 percent.
The survey was done across the country and sought people’s feedback on the usage of ICT services.