Malawi Broadcasting Corporation


Alick Sambo

The Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) is a public service broadcaster (PSB) and is the oldest Broadcasting Station in Malawi. The Corporation launched its services in Malawi, the then Nyasaland, on 16th January, 1964 and started its services with one radio station which is now called Radio 1 as the oldest in a group which now comprises a second radio station and a Television Broadcasting Station.

In July, 1997, Government instituted a commercial oriented station under MBC called Radio 2FM and in February of 2000, MBC established the Development Broadcasting Unit (DBU) as an arm of MBC to provide a platform for community generated participative content. On 1st July of 2010 Government also directed that Malawi Television Limited be part of MBC as the license for MBC enabled it to operate a television service in addition to Radio services. Following the said directive, MBC and Television Malawi Limited (TVM) were merged into one entity in order to provide public radio and television services efficiently and effectively.

Currently under the Communications Act, 2016, MBC is a public broadcasting services licensee mandated by an Act of Parliament to inform, educate and entertain the public; encourage free and informed opinion on all matters of public interest; reflect the wide diversity of Malawi’s cultural life; and to respect for human rights, the rule of law, and the Constitution through objective, professional and independent programming befitting a PSB. Therefore, the duties and functions of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation is to provide public broadcasting services throughout Malawi and perform such undertakings and provide such other services as are conducive to the exercise of the functions and fulfilment of the service obligations specified in the 2016 Communications Act, or as are ordinarily within the functions of a public broadcasting service.

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