Maranatha Private Academy has committed to supporting various categories of MBC Entertainers of the Year Awards in a much bigger manner in 2024.
Managing Director of Maranatha Private Academy, Ernest Kaonga, was speaking at Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe in his capacity as the official sponsor of the 2023 MBC Entertainers Of The Year Awards.
Kaonga commended MBC management for reviving MBC Entertainers Of the Year Awards after 18 years of silence.
“Those who have grown up in Malawi know pretty well how iconic is this ceremony. In those days there was no TV, we gathered around the radio. We could not sleep till we heard who was the entertainer of entertainers. That was how powerful and motivating this programme is and let me assure you MBC we will not leave you as sponsors as long as you keep coming up with initiatives that touch all of us Malawians,” said Kaonga.
Kaonga further advised the artists to keep sharpening their skills in the arts industry saying if the aspirations in Malawi 2063 have to be realised innovation and creativity cannot be left out.
Akira, 2023 MBC entertainer of entertainers
received K2 million from Maranatha
“If you want to be here next year work very hard. You see without hard work we cannot achieve anything as a nation. Your contributions as artists are enormous and I would like to encourage you to work very hard in your areas. Maranatha will sponsor even more categories next year so work very hard,” said Kaonga.
Apart from being official sponsors, it was announced during the ceremony that Maranatha Private Academy honoured the 2023 MBC entertainer of entertainers, Akira with K2 million and Deus Sandram the man behind Bwande Radio Programme with K500,000.