At least 48 households have been rendered destitute with two people sustaining injuries following stormy rains that poured on Sunday in the district.
According to the District Disaster Risk Management Officer, Rhonnie Khangamwa, the affected households are from the areas of Traditional Authority Malenga and Kalumo.
During a disaster impact assessment visit to the affected areas, Group Village Headman Vumbwe from Senior Chief Kalumo told Malawi News Agency that the rains have left people in the village with no food and a place to sleep with others seeking shelter from neighbours and friends.
He said people in the area are in dire need of food as most of them have had their food destroyed due to the rains and asked well-wishers to help the affected households in the district with food and other necessities.
“My two hectares of tobacco field has also been destroyed by the rains and I am not the only one that has suffered this kind of damage as some of the villagers have been affected as well,” said Group Village Head Vumbwe. “A two-year-old boy was also injured following the rains and was taken to hospital where he was assisted.”
Everena Samson of Simalambo village Senior Chief Malenga said her children are unable to go to school as their school materials were destroyed due to the same.
By Maria Tembo, MANA