Sunbird Hotels and Resorts has added K5 million to this year’s Presidential Charity Golf tournament slated for 11 and 12 October at Limbe Country Club.
Head of Marketing, Sales and distribution at Sunbird Temwa Kanjadza says the gesture is also in line with its corporate social responsibility drive as they realize the significance of the initiative of uplifting needy students and disaster victims’ livelihood.
Chairperson for the Presidential Golf Initiative fundraising committee Boyd Luwe says the donation has helped the committee to near hitting the K600 million set target which is now short of K100 million.
200 golfers are expected to grace the golf course in the third edition of the initiative since its inception in 2022.
The Presidential Charity Golf tournament aims at helping needy students with tuition fees with the other portion channelled towards helping victims of natural disasters.
By Foster Maulidi