Communities in the area of Senior Chief Lulanga and Sub Traditional Authority Mambo in Mangochi have hailed the Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET) for championing good policy frameworks and programmes aimed at uplifting people’s livelihood.
The network, with funding from the German government under Welthungerhilfe(WHH), is in the second phase of implementing a project called Right to food: from policy to plate, which largely seeks to empower communities to recognise their right to food and hold authorities accountable if such rights are violated.
On the performance of the first phase, Chairperson for area nutrition coordinating committee in the area of Senior Chief Lulanga, Richard Mafupa said on health and nutrition aspect, the project has helped in taming cases of malnutrition among children.
“Previously, we could register over 300 cases of malnutrition in the lean period but as we speak, we have about 50 cases. It’s because the project has helped in strengthening care groups which are designed to ensure that every household with a child under 5 is in touch with best practices of improving infant feeding, improve hygiene just to mention a few,” he said.
In the area of Sub Traditional Authority Mambo, Chairperson of Fortmaguire area development committee, Juma Ambali, said the first phase of the project has helped community members embrace best practices of reducing food waste at household level and adopting modern farming practices.
The first phase of the project started in 2020 and ended in September this year.
By Owen Mavula