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Girls’ club pledges to construct changing rooms in Ntchisi

Tipewe Youth Club plans to construct girls’ changing rooms at Mthawira Primary School in Ntchisi District to combat school dropout and absenteeism.

The club’s secretary, Georgina Nyungwe, said their initiative is expected to aid over 900 girls who are learning at the school.

Nyungwe added they have already moulded 4,000 bricks for their first changing room and they will start constructing soon.

Headmaster of the institution, MCloyd Mchizampheta, said they have 1,796 learners and only eight classrooms.

Mchizampheta revealed that community members were inspired by the club to join the construction project of school blocks. He said the community is completing their first classroom block that has two class rooms.

He added that the Malawi Human Right Resource Centre also helped influence mindset change.

Country Director for Norwegian Church Aid/Danish Church Aid, Stefan Janssen, has since commended the approach taken by the club.

“This is how projects implemented by organisations can be sustain after the projects complete. Sustainability starts with local ownership. Such efforts show the power of community-driven action,” Janssen said.

The initiative exemplifies the impact of the Enhancing Citizen Participation in Local Governance and Development Processes III project, implemented by the Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre (MHRRC) with support from NCA/DCA.

By Yamikani Makanga

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