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Journalists urged to report accurately on fisheries

Restoring Fisheries for Sustainable Livelihoods in Lake Malawi (REFRESH) has advised journalists to be accurate when reporting about the fisheries sector to avoid misleading the public.

This was said during a media training REFRESH conducted in collaboration with the Association of Environmental Journalists in Malawi (AEJ) and the Department of Fisheries, with funding from the United States Aid Agency.

REFRESH, operates under Pact Malawi and Communications Specialist at PACT, Veronica Hami, said the training was necessitated by perceived gaps in fisheries reporting.

Salim M’balaka, the Principal Fisheries Officer Responsible for Research, emphasised the importance of the media’s role in fisheries.

One of the participants, Ousman Kaliati, expressed gratitude for the opportunity.

“We hope that the key messages will reach the target audience and bring about a change in mindset throughout the fish value chain,” Kaliati said.

Previously trainings focused on legal frameworks, policies and challenges affecting the fisheries sector.

Pact Malawi, which aims to conserve the freshwater biodiversity of Lake Malawi, launched the REFRESH Project in 2019 and plans to conclude it later this year.

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