Malawi Broadcasting Corporation

Project M marks one year of promoting Malawi through positive stories

Project M, a youth-driven social media platform, celebrated its first anniversary in Blantyre by showcasing cultural activities, storytelling and poetry that highlight the positive aspects of Malawi.

The initiative, formed in January 2023 by a group of journalists, aims to promote the country through uplifting narratives.

Speaking at the event, local Hip-Hop artist Fredokiss real name Penjani Kalua praised the project’s commitment to sharing positive stories about Malawi.

During the event, Deputy Mayor of Blantyre, Isaac Jomo Osman, encouraged the youth to follow Project M’s example of creating opportunities through media, while co-chair Keith Chirambo noted that the initiative’s stories are reaching audiences both locally and internationally.

Project M, which started with a few journalists, now has 18 staff members across various districts.

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