Mzuzu City Select are the champions of 2024 FCB Katswiri Northern Region Football League after defeating Karonga Select 2-0, courtesy of 12th minute goal by James Kamanga and Moses Singini’s goal at 23rd minute.
This means Mzuzu City Select has qualified for FCB Katswiri National finals which will take place at Luwinga Technical Center in Mzuzu next week from 13 to 14 December where they will face teams that have qualified in other regions.
Their coach, Mphatso Chihami, said the win means a lot since this is the new set up of the competition in the country.
Chihami further said the qualification has opened a door for the team to scout for other players within the region to join them.
Assistant Coach for Karonga Select, William Msuku, accepted the loss, promising to prepare well for the next season.