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Anglican Church offers free secondary education in BT

Anglican Church, through its Diocese of Southern Malawi, has provided free secondary school education scholarships at the newly opened St. Paul’s Anglican Private Secondary School to 100 students from T/A Chigalu in Blantyre.

This is part of complementing government efforts to promote universal access to education, according to Bishop Alinafe Kalemba of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi.

Bishop Kalemba said the inaugural cohort, selected by the Malawi National Examinations Board, will receive free education from Form 1 to Form 4, along with regular tests to maintain high academic performance and ensure both moral and spiritual discipline.

Landt Foundation, the financier of the school’s construction, expressed optimism that the institution will become a beacon of hope and opportunity for children in the area.

Chief Executive Officer for the foundation, Aaron Landt, urged the learners to take responsibility for their future by working hard in school.

The school was constructed in 8 months by Imas Building Construction Limited, who were initially given a 12-month time frame.

Managing Director for the constructors, Augustin Ndilowe, said the speedy completion came after taking the government calls to complete projects in time.

By Alufisha Fischer

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