Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
Business Development

Chithyola hails IDA’s timely response to emergencies

Minister of Finance, Simplex Chithyola Banda, says the International Development Association (IDA)’s contributions to countries like Malawi through response to emergencies and natural disasters has helped alleviate the suffering of many in developing countries.

Chithyola Banda was speaking in Washington DC at a Global Goals Dinner for the 21st Replenishment of the International Development Association
(IDA21) countries.

He said the flexibility of replenishment in IDA21 has strengthened systems for resilience in third world countries hit by natural disasters.

Chithyola Banda delivered a speech at the dinner, alongside Andrew Mitchell, a minister from UK and Melinda Gates from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The IDA has also heaped praise on the Malawi finance minister regarding how he continues to engage the country’s donors and development partners, a move that reinforces Malawi ‘s commitment to work with them for a prosperous future.

IDA21 is critical in responding to global challenges and seizing opportunities for change.

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